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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Exclusive Human Appetite: Money, Power, Sex, Alcohol, Drugs, Food, Guilt

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Friday, April 24, 2009


Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Glimpse of CosmicTherapy

A Bird's Eye View of Looking Into Yourself

If this paper were blank,

and you were a mark > what would you be?

We are all 'marks' of one kind or another! (before) We begin with a point, expand out, contract and disappear.(after) [or so it SEEMS]

In the run of an ordinary day, we are bombarded by many lines, dots, curves, circles, smudgings, squares etc. But, we hardly notice them; most espcieally in their blended context. However, once you stop, bring your attention to any object (mark), it tends to stay with you because it links with other (marks) you are probably unaware of. In this short cosmic experiment, you will be asked to choose a specific mark. Although, the mark appears quite commonplace and random, in addition to being totally unattached, it is not. I will only say {not because I understand how or why} that after having chosen the particular mark, you will be drawn to it over the next few months( most especially) in strange ways.

marks...so many marks. Although there are countless possibilities to choose from, I lay out just a few for your present pondering and selection. No doubt, you will question my motives for offering you such an outrageous ‘seemingly’ silly proposition, {such as choosing a mark to represent you} but since no one ever knows how or why you engage your time, effort and thought or for what value, what difference does it make to breeze through the little game? A perfectly harmless and apparent meaningless venture with no lust of result might be an odd flavor of sorts. Anyway, what do you have to lose? And, how do you ever REALLY know What something means or doesn't mean? [Except of course the meaning you want to ascribe to it]

Besides, when IS the last time you did something for no logical reason?

As I have suggested on so many occasions, there are no disconnected events and since, everything has ‘something’ to do with it, the process becomes the hologramic [big word] window. It is always up to you to ‘go with the flow’ or stop the go.

{You really can’t stop anything but for sake of a pointless argument, I thought I’d throw that in.}

Are you ready to delve into that vast region of the subconscious brain where ice turns to cherry pops? Or how about, are you even interested enough to peer into a doorway into a vast area of absurdity for discard? If so, the choice set before you this moment is relevant and crystal clear. Here goes. Your options are limited so that you may remain concentrated. Should you be so inclined to participate, [in a part of your demeanor you're not accustomed to mingling with] be forewarned that the information you are about to recieve is unlikely to make any difference in your present attitude or life circumstance.

However, you will have full free HAND motion to decide which mark you would be. The one and only stipulation is that you may choose just ONE. You can not change your mind, nor are you allowed to dilly-dally between two or three marks I deliberately referred to them as 'marks', because you are not to assign any meaning or label them as recognizable objects. (Even though you may be quite familiar with all of them) Look closely but make your decision quickly and without a lot of thinking, dissecting, and attributing purposeful ‘whys and wherefores.’

Just point and pick. {From the following 'marks)
♫ ☺ ™ ♥  ☼ × $ ! & - ; ? % £ @ . = ♂ ♦ ♀ ╥

After having chosen the MARK of your Preference, sift through the paragraphs below to find the one you chose. Read and discover for yourself how surprisingly accurate or inaccurate {whichever the case may be} the information given is applicable to you at this moment. This is just A peek into one Cosmic Therapy Experiment.
What Does Any of This Mean?

...unless it means something to you.

Of course, it can't possibly mean anything, otherwise????????

(As always, the fire burns only when there is oxygen to support it).


= Your mind is filled with too many conflicting ideas. You are exhausting yourself, causing undo strain because you refuse to release the control you THINK you have over a bothersome (consumes your mental energy) situation. You will not stop worrying and fretting over a possible outcome you have no way of governing. Give it a rest. By nature, you are a very wise person, not accustomed to being in such a derogatory state. Your house is divided within. You are taking things far too personally. Release the stronghold grip on the other; you are chocking the life out of yourself.

♀ You are so identified with another person; you have lost all boundaries which are interfering with your present decision making. You must take yourself back and relinquish the other. You are creating lies to pacify the underlying hurt and disappointment you are feeling. {manifesting} Forget about all that! Experience the painful truth; you have moved on. {whether you consciously wanted to or not} Life does go on after this involvement. Don’t you have one thought of your own anymore? When is the last time you really enjoyed an hour of time without constantly bickering and bemoaning the situation?

♦ You are filled to overflowing with an abundance of dreams, hopes, aspirations and relevant concepts. It is at this time in your life that you are the most productive and conducive to your particular environment. Don’t let anyone tell you that you are not being functional. Just because you’re not joining their party does not mean you are not creating one of a spectacular flavor of your own. Follow your gut instinct. You really are incredibly logical. You will not be led astray no matter what it looks like on the outside. Your sexual creative energy is pumping at full speed. Relish in it!

♂ Groundwork is good; plans are useful/necessary in some instances, however, you have become too determined to ‘wrestle with the bull’ until you get your way. How are you at rodeo riding? It takes about 8 seconds or less to be thrown, the best I’ve HEARD. Why do you want to get so old so quick? Slow down. Patience is indeed the greatest virtue and lifesaving, too. You’re always on guard; red alert. As if you’ve got to hold up the entire word. You are really quite gentle and demure, but who would know it the way you are acting?

. A trip is in the offing. And, not a moment too soon. You need to get away from the situation you have grown so accustomed to. Familiarity breeds contempt, remember? Some fresh air, sunlight, water, delicious food, along with a new perspective is what you want. Restless energy has engulfed you to the point of ‘biting nails.’ You’re bored out of your mind. You really want to educate yourself in a totally new vein. A long reserved passion is surfacing. Follow where it leads. You possess an acute sense for following instructions. A talent often overlooked and undervalued, but vitally needed when honing an art.

@ You are in search of your so-called other half. You feel empty and incomplete. But, you must remember, wholeness results from a sense of being productive and useful. When you are not busy creating something of beauty, you are extremely morose. You say, “I want true love and someone who really understands/appreciates me,” but silently you bemoan and resent others who love you dearly. You criticize out of sheer habit since it’s easier to blame than it is to fly. You feel so guilty and depressed because you are not using your musical, artistic gifts. Turn on the music and get in your artistic kitchen to create.

£ Desire is your name, sexuality is your game. And, nobody plays it any better than you. You are a ray of moonbeams and a spray of rainbows for others, not necessarily yourself. When you give 100% out, you are left with 0% to operate on. You must learn how to gauge your activities and time. You spend way too much energy on things that are no real interest to you. Leaning how to say ‘no’ honestly would be a great barrier lifted from your agendas. It would also keep you from being so deceptive, you use as a means of self-preservation. Doing only those things that are “natural and convenient” applies here.

? Boy! Did you ever invent the word frantic? It’s always a ‘do or die’ situation. Yes/No, Go/Stay Hate/Love Let go No way. You are literally running yourself crazy. Everyone feels the tension and unrest when in your presence. You are so autocratic and foreboding, your head ought to split into. Why do you need to exercise so much power and authority? Your beautiful melodic voice was not designed to scream so. You are a natural born entertainer, who are you entertaining. {Certainly not you.} You must unleash your pent up sexual creative energy before your flower wilts. Get out of the past.

%Give. Give. Give. And, when you think you can give no more, give three times as much. You are endowed with enormous gifts and talents (unused) that you have allowed to almost stifle you. You are the one everyone comes to. You are the one who knows. But, you have become lazy and complacent in your responsibilities. “To whom much is given, much is required.” Others may plead ignorance; you are not afforded the luxury to negate certain responsibilities and obligations. Get over your anger and get back to work. Death will teach you: there’s no consideration. What TIME is it? Note the hour.

; If there were ever a point in your life when you needed to ‘turn the tables over’, it is now. A situation has arisen that calls for your immediate attention along with the ‘biting through’ of it to be resolved. No need for madness, lamblasting, name calling or the like. Simply clean your house. (figuratively and literally) No regret or remorse on the agenda. When something is finished, it is finished. You have lingered far too long in a place that is unproductive. You have grown bitter and brittle in the meantime. No one has wronged you. You chose the circumstances. The lesson was in “drawing upon the well.” Use your voice. It soothes.

♫ Far too concerned over other people’s affairs. Get out of their business and back into your own. Stop wanting to KNOW everything about everybody. When you stay so focused on other people’s problems, you have left the ‘wait station’ of your own restaurant. Time to go back to school, or at the very least, take a class that interests you. Better yet get involved in something; you THINK wouldn’t interest you at all. Stop asking who’s at the door, on the phone, ‘who said when, what, how where or why.’ Who cares? You’ve got other things to take care of. IF you even remember how to. Easy…your intolerance is showing.

☺ You’re stuck. Round and round you go and when you pause, it’s only to complain and bitch. You’re sexually frustrated but only because you won’t say what and how you enjoy sensual pleasure. You THINK you’re doing the other a favor. Not so. You’re being a phony and you’re mad as hell about it. Bring all of yourself to the table. No need to be concerned with how you will be perceived. How much more of the ‘fake niceness’ can you do, really? It’s rather trite and certainly unappealing. Sexual energy is a powerful creative force not to wasted or spawned in a fencing match. Start creating. Painting’s a real joy

 You work so hard at trying to have things the way you like them. Order, punctuality, neatness, honesty, intelligence, and of course, duty. All well and good, but whatever happened to originality, spontaneity, gaiety, wit, charm, and capriciousness? Trying so hard to ‘be good and kind’ can end up being ‘inconvenient and unnatural.’ You are by nature a shaker and mover. You don’t usually settle for ‘status quo.’ That is unless you are doing something for ulterior motives. AH! Belch. Give me a break. Stop being so cardboard and plastic in your actions. It certainly does not become you.

™ You’re the life of the party; you’ve always been. But, lately you’ve grown disgruntled, unsettled and disinterested. What a shame for those around you. The tone of your voice has been raised and not pleasantly, either. The plain truth of the matter is: you’ve become obsessed with “money’ and “making it”. You’re really a ‘lover’ not a financier. Far cry from making love to money than to a real live person. Find your way back to your sense of humor and fun. Don’t become a cactus bore whose only conversation is how much money you have or don’t have. Same thing.

♥Talk about the finer things in life? You KNOW how to deliver real pleasure! Sex is something you have down to a fine science. “What cha doin’ with it?” Sexuality is the highest form of spiritual energy available to mankind, you know. You are bursting at the seams with all sorts of artistic gifts. Are you ever going to get serious with your musical talent? What about pursuing you love of cooking? Get over that ‘somebody did me wrong’ mentality and move on into the next bed of delight. You are an extremely talented soul who needs to express and connect with the gifts you’re carrying. Can’t do it and whine at the same time.

☼ You are an enigma. You are on a spiraling journey of authentic self-discovery. Beautiful, soft, sensual and intense, you will not take second row at the opera. Your path has not been an easy one. Unresolved issues with the father. Stop blaming your mother or on the same token making a martyr out of her. Let them be human and fallible. Just remember: When people try to make your life easy, you end up resenting that person. Never do a favor; people despise ones who hold superior positions. Do what you do with no strings attached. You are free spirit who will not be obliged to anyone. Stop the manipulating; it’s unnecessary.

× Why do you harbor such ill-fated feelings? You were born a star and no one is interfering with your orbit. It’s impossible. Just because it “seems” to take longer for some of your dreams to manifest, they are in no way delayed. You are on a course of self-revealing. There are many experiences necessary to ‘turn you inside out.’ Although you believe yourself to be a loving and affectionate person, ask those nearest and dearest to you. You know how to provide but you do not know how to open up and express your true feelings. The people want “YOU” not your money. Stop being so selfish with both.

$ If you were an instrument, you would be a saxophone. The old blues/jazz sounds of the Mississippi Delta resonate deep within your soul. You are a soulful musician, and it’s time you took it up a notch. Write those sorrowful feelings down on paper. Paint them with a brush. Sing. Play the piano, guitar, drums Do something to get yourself out the pit of despair you’re in. You have psychologically put yourself in a closet. You tread the waters of molten refrain. There’s not much ‘you aint seen’. Most of it, you keep to yourself. You think people don’t care. So what? Do you?

! A peacock is a beautiful bird. Many vibrant colors displayed in a grand show. You really know how to ‘put on the dog’. But, that and $4.50 will get you a cup of wonderful coffee. What are you doing in your life that really matters to you? You have been on automatic pilot for so long; I doubt you even remember what person made you laugh the hardest.(was it a movie?) You have grown ‘sick unto death’ at the monotony involved in your everyday existence. You want to feel!!! The palm trees swaying, the island music playing, the thrill of erotic lovemaking calls your name. Create that wild sensational fantasy where your feet are. Do it now.

& You simply must get out of the past. It has released you. You can not keep on carrying a grudge and the depth of unforgiveness like you are doing. It’s over; move on. You are here today with a book waiting to be written inside of you. Don’t play the victim any longer. You’re a high roller whose stakes are ‘winner take all.’ Stop with the “mealy mouthed” accusations. The next person you talk too has an important symbol of interrelated interest. Pursue it. Don’t laugh or make fun of the ridiculous associated in life’s most unsavory offerings. Behind the curtain lives the ‘fat man’ who knows the power in helium balloons. So do you.

- Let’s do it! Let’s get on with the show. If you’re waiting on me, you’re backing up. Dance and be merry. Don’t do a thing that you don’t want to do. Ever. Be non-apologetic and don’t stack the deck. Aint no need to. Your life is one series of unexpected cyclones of adverse landing on the feet episodes after another. You’re one cool dude. “Way down in New Orleans lives a Voodoo Queen called Marie Laveau.” (A song, remember) what does that have to do with you? You are a walking magician. Do what you will. When you start asking other people’s opinions or permission you DONE lost out. “Get out of my way, jack.” I’m busy living.

╥ If at any time you THINK you know what you are doing, cease immediately. You are involved in your present life ‘neck deep’ for reasons you can’t possibly see or interpret. Get out of your mind’s self-intoxicated drama. You are not that important to the scenario. The importance lies in your being able to stay focused and aware of your authentic indifference. You allow yourself to become enmeshed in matters of emotional climates that carry you away for a season. These episodes will become less and less IF you stay with the ‘still small voice’ within and follow your passion. People will say you’re selfish. Guess what? YOU are!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Saturday, April 18, 2009


Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Race Is Not For The Swift

Confusion is the doorway to cosmic enlightenment. Not knowing what you are doing, or how you are going to make it is a perfectly wonderful place to be. It allows for the new avenue of expression to enter. You are standing in a place of superb surrender where the NEW season will arrive bringing with the ‘not yet’ entertained adventure. A stocked full treasure of elements in yourself that you’ve not discovered and unleashed are knocking at the door of your present life, ready to come in. “…if any man hear me at the door knocking, I shall come in to sup with him and him with me,,,” {paraphrased} Unless you relinquish the ‘supposed’ hold you THINK you have on your life, (resisting, fighting, trying to prove you are right, or need someone to pay homage)you remain struggling in a pointless uphill battle. The excessive chaos surrounding you involves a process of elimination and renewal. You simply need to stand in the midst of the whirlwind.

Learning how to withstand the forces of the turbulent chaotic winds blowing will take time moving into another level of yourself which up until this point has remained obscured. Until you are receptive enough to withstand the perils of truth associated with 'dropping out of the rat race', blinders keep you insulated. Truth stands while the rest falls away. It requires an enormous amount of pain soaked events to wear away layers of pretense. Removal of emotional debris is a tedious and time consuming task not entered into lightly. {sorta like vows in marriage} The procedure will not occur until you have been sufficiently prepared by enough unpleasant circumstances. "Hurt Me One More Time, Please!"

One does not have to stop moving in order to be still. The act of slowing down involves a complete surrender of the mind. Does that mean your mind has to go blank? No. It is possible to run a marathon in the quickest of strides along with five hundred more individuals and yet remain still. In fact, the successful runner cannot run otherwise. Becoming still absorbs the totality of your energy forcing you to become more subdued, focused and concentrated. The caustic plight you have found yourself engulfed in does not occur on the outside. It is an inward atrociously fed, fueled and maintained combat. Nothing is happening on the outside of you though you may believe differently. Many false walls are crumbling. You can’t outrun the karmic implications involved, nor are you supposed to. Now is the time to embrace the day with all its apparent difficulties and complexities without the preset interpretive assumptive value you add.

Stillness implies a subtleness of spirit that fuses you with your sacred essence without your conscious participation. Carried away in a rapturous state whereby you are no longer separated from the present act in which you're engaged. The events are completely ‘natural and convenient.’ Perfect balance attained. No longer any sensation of competitiveness or convolution of thoughts; you merely float on the vibrantly charged river to its preordained destination. No thought is attached to outcome. No insult can be added by trying to aid or block the flow. Any agitation experienced complicates the arrival but does not subdue it. A slowing down process invokes life’s most exhilarating awareness. No other event can be hewn down to such a finite proportion of explosive repose. It's simply a matter of refusing to be rushed, hurried or worried over the situation at hand.

Observing, celebrating and receiving the person, place and present occurrence with full impact in resonance becomes a quiet reverent expression. While others are hurrying, scurrying, and bustling about, you're realizing there's no reason for concern whatsoever. In an absolute reassured and calmed state, you are more than able to 'practically' {no hocus pocus involved} be conscious of another dimension of time or space occurring in which all things work unobstructively. In this sphere of activity, you will not follow the crowd. You are incapable of listening to their incessant pleas of frenzied needs and concerns. Consistently unmoved, you are at a peace that passes all understanding. Unwavering stilled diligence possessed by your sanctioned purposed heart dictate your moves.

You will observe rather indifferently that your thoughts and actions are consistently out of sync with others, but you do not care. In fact, you realize quite vividly, there’s nothing to CARE about. Induce the wonderment of this magical personal space by not being shifted to respond. REMEMBER: Life is an impossible inconsequential dance without the contribution of your divine will. To be prompted to act by another's desire or need is to obliterate your own designated quest. Nothing's rewarded beyond the integrity of your own soul's grand intent.

When is the last time you ceased all agitated activity? Moving through the day events without even a much as an eye brow being raised by an off handed remark? In order to penetrate the mysterious vision of your present life, you must release the desperate clinching hold you shoulder. You must realize with full certainty that the anxious driving sprit you possess is at odds with your current destination. You are traveling much too heavy (serious) in your steps with an overburdened load of worry and discontent. Get rid of the excess (emotional) baggage. It's all in your mind! You have allowed too many vexations of turbulent distresss to cause you undo unrest.

Go into the yard and watch the beautiful swaying flight of the first bird you see. She is one with the wind upon which she rides. She has no thought of where she is headed or why. If she did, the melodic rhythm would be interrupted in her flight. It is a natural progressive movement {without deliberate thought} like a mystical dance upon the air. In order to fly, she must be without any additional weight upon her little brain. Be like the humming bird, which is said of her, "impossible to fly". You too can soar like the Eagle IF you release the undiluted woes you are carrying (dragging).

You are far too rigid to be flexible and free in your movements. You are far too plan oriented. How do you manage to laugh under such a directed plan? Do you also pencil an appointment for spontaneous laughter? Why not stick a key in your back and call you the Duracell Bunny? Your life reflects a manic procedure of acquiring. Why? If you don't take the liberty of time and ease of mind to enjoy it, what difference does it make how much money you make? Waiting for a vacation to spend some of it? Make each moment a vacation. Love Your Life. Rituals of monetary expectation have become your way of life. It is so insultingly boring!

Instead of the brilliance of the unexpected joy found in the extraordinary moments dispersed throughout an ordinary day, you look and wait for better things to come. The best is now. It doesn't get any better than this. This is it! You will be barred from entering this doorway of SELF-knowledge IF you don't slow down. Get still. Stop racing. Life is designed to be full robust continual unceasing pleasure. Are you engaged in such a life? If not, the resolution is found in stillness. You do not have to forfeit your current life, just your current state of mind. Unload the junk. [DEBUNK THE JUNK]

You are much too identified with the idea' of success without ever having stopped to take your breath. The air you breathe is your life. It is plentifully available. Now, is the time to halt the excessive burdensome plans built in your mind. You’re running so fast, you’ll miss the exuberance of YOU ever unfolding right before your eyes. Don’t let your eyes betray YOU. It’s not a race; it’s a party! Allow the day to unfold a little more naturally and unencumbered. Do you think you can handle that?

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Inexplicable Sexual Scent of God In YOU!

Most of us would agree that human beings are guided, controlled, dictated and governed by subconscious desires that we are ‘more than likely’ unaware. Not only are we ignorant of the significance attached to ‘all too obvious clues’, promptings, implications, distinctions, and surprising consequences but more importantly we, sometimes, [more often than not] ignore or deny much to our chagrin, those sensations which result in “weird feelings” as such, In other words, we discount the sensations without trusting our first instinct. These hidden desires, not only, motivate, encourage, confuse, constrict, dissuade, and support decisions and/actions we probably don’t properly understand or appreciate fully, at the time, but we attempt to fill and justify the awkward space with anything available or convenient to us at the moment.. Furthermore, we try to interpret the meanings of our reactions to the various situations with only half the information supplied, which only complicates the already muffled scenario.

More than likely, these same underlying unclear nudging prompters show up at the least likely places in blatant emotional displays that shock us, or at the very least cause us to ponder ‘silent embarrassing or guilt-ridden thoughts of fantasy or disgrace’. In these moments of perplexing confidential personal confrontations, we dare not utter our private thoughts aloud. But, while we try to process the uncomely thoughts, we are forced to ask ourselves the question: “where did those feelings come from or WHY did I think that?.” Some may interpret these unexpected uncomfortable sensations as natural ATTRACTION. Others, however, are bombarded with expressing unsettling words that don’t make one bit of sense. Regardless of how the feelings are explained away or reasoned out, the fact remains that we respond emotionally to things according to unknown factors lodged somewhere deep between the recesses of our memories and the current activities in the environment.

At times, we are simply baffled by certain reactions which cause us to either be repelled or drawn immediately to certain people, places and events. It’s something that happens of itself. We know instinctively whether we like something or we don’t! No if, ands, or buts about it. We just plain KNOW! We just can’t say WHY we do. According to Sigmund Freud, “The quickest way to trigger an emotional response is with scent.” I am convinced {current research also strongly suggests} that the power of scent is the single most influencing factor in determining a person’s predispositions. You don’t have understand why something or someone appeals to you, or not, but you do have to respond to those initial stirrings in order to discover more about the apparent mystery. In fact, you are powerless to do otherwise.

Thus, begins the challenge of paradoxical pursuit. {Following an individual scent that has lured you.} Like a Blue Tick hound on the ‘hot’ chase of a raccoon, the object of your affection will soon be treed, you hope. The pursuit involves the old ‘cat and mouse’ chase of ambiguity and, at first, secrecy. Something of an ethereal nature has been set in motion to unlock the door into the unknown aspects of yourself to reveal veiled motivations unknown to you at the time. It will take the complexity of the involvement to unravel, disclose and address various features which make you who you are. These facets will be brought to surface and reflected in the unique relationships, circumstances and people you choose to get involved with. This illogical quest for the other is divine in nature. How could it be otherwise?

Some of you may say that attraction to certain relationships is obvious. [Nothing very mysterious, at all.}The ‘all too common’ desperate seed of loneliness, boredom, and/or restlessness begins to stir pushing its way to the surface seeking union. And, I say “I beg to differ.” Holding at bay that apparent lame excuse, something far more inexplicable is at work. Something beneath the obvious that is pulling your strings. What could that mysterious impetus be? SCENT. That’s right. The smell of the encounter has inadvertently caught your nose. And, like that same Blue Tick hound in heat, you’re fast on the trail of your new found fascination no matter where it leads. No matter the briars, brambles and overgrown weeds; nothing will stop you (short of debilitating illness) in capturing and maintaining the passionate sensual aroma which has so concretely arisen in your life. This Divinely manufactured indelibly imprinted scent locks onto its duplicate with ‘no holds barred.’ “IT” is the honing apparatus of delirious pleasure sought and fulfilled in sacred union.

There’s an ongoing debate with chemists as to whether scent is triggered by receptors or vibrations. {Another lengthy article of discussion for another time} Either way, the point remains: certain fragrances work specifically for you and only YOU! Imagine walking into a Bakery where several different delicious aromas linger in the air. Notice how you immediately are drawn to a specific scent. Nothing else will satisfy. The same exacting experience happens when you meet a designated person on your path. Although you may not immediately become aware of it; the innate scent of that individual grabs your ‘gut level’ attention, filtering and eliciting uncontrollable emotions. You can’t get him/her out of your mind. A deliberate act of the Divine in operation using a distinctive fragrance to attract or repel.

Preferred scent is something incredibly difficult to explain or comprehend. Bottom LINE: You are able to detect, without a moment’s hesitation, a fragrance you love or despise. You just know! It’s generative passion at work. Sort of magical, I guess. Anyway, enhancing, enlivening, and accentuating our natural scent encourages an overall sense of well-being. [A Plugged in feeling, unresponsive to anything else]. Remember and never forget: WE ARE PLEASURE SEEKING CREATURES. We feel better (pleasure-full) about ourselves when we know we smell good {desirable}. Here’s the deal for real: smell great, feel good, travel far, stay late.

We all possess a certain celestial flavor! My flavor is not your flavor nor can it be duplicated by you or anyone else. Its called being ‘tuned in’ and ‘turned on.’ Yes, it’s sexually sensual in nature because we are designed that way. But, more than that, it’s spiritual in premise. Sexuality is the highest form of spirituality available to mankind, remember? We start at the lowest rung of the ladder (whatever interests us) and proceed upwards. All creativity is sexual in expression. Art, music, drama, and the written word, most especially. We possess instinctual sensual drives that are geared to gravitate to the necessary experiences we need. We start by being attracted to someone or something. We like the “smell” of it because we generated the erotic mating scent to begin with.

Of course, it also has to do with us procreating the Earth but, nonetheless, the divine subliminal urge encompasses far more than meets the eyes and nose, so to speak. Sacred scent, perfume of the gods, instilled in us prompts us to act for our soul’s experience (assignment). We, as human beings, are propelled to discover who we are, what we want, and for what purpose we inhabit the planet. Without instinctual sexual appeal, little would be accomplished on the journey towards self-evolvement, self-actualization or self-fulfillment.

Each person expresses his/her divine will in various ways but all imbued sexual energy is released in music, drama, art the written and spoken word through intercourse with it. No, you do not have to be viewed as an artist {which, in fact, you are} or musician or actor, or author. Every conscious or unconscious stroke you make with your arms, legs, hands, head, feet or body exemplifies the artistic display of your unique divine sexual energy. Every word you utter screams in full animation the sensual tones of divine sexual scented expression.

There’s no way to get away from it: you are the walking embodiment of fragrant god humanly expressed. This sacred fragrant energy, of which we all possess, never ages or diminishes. It remains constant and vibrantly aromatically youthful throughout our entire life. To deny its fullest erotic expression of creative activity causes us all sorts of problems. (Physical and mental) People tend to barricade sexual energy in the most limited of forms. They usually define it as ‘making love’ which of course it is. However, sex does not begin in the bedroom. It begins with a sacred whiff. It travels wide and far! In every encounter imaginable. You are expressing and using sweet-smelling sexual energy. How can it possibly be a separate part of you? If you smile, it’s there. If you raise your voice, it’s there. If you consume a delicious meal, it’s there. When you actively engage in your chosen field of work, it’s there. When you read a book, it’s there. When you view a flower, look at a sunset, tell someone you care, it’s there. When you work on a problem to solve, it’s there. The Divine Scent precedes you and sustains you.

It rules you and everything you do because it is none other than the unmistakable omnificent Divine Creative scented force {Ineffable Gratifying Sacred Sensual Sexual Perfume) of the universe. Nothing exists without it. Nothing. You move, breathe and have your being in it. There is no doubt that it “Sex Instinct” has been distorted, twisted, deformed, disfigured, sublimated, subverted and denied but it is still there strong and pure, innocent. If the words: “Make love to God and to life” causes you to flinch, maybe you need to broaden your horizons and expand your mind’s parameters concerning this delightful perfumed divine sacred energy.

To live reverently involves passion. In order to evoke passion, you must recognize and embrace your own divine expression of god’s magnificent fragrant energy flowing through you. Don’t be afraid of it’s multi-fashioned multi-colored splendor. The smell of God paves the way for you in your daily walk. This awe-inspiring life giving sensually erotic power remains true in you while you are busily resisting, rebelling, defending, or justifying its immobile expression. It pulsates patiently and unceasingly in you while the rest of your pitiful unexpressed creative life corrodes away. Arise, awake, arouse the animally aromatic SUPREME WILL to guide your feet in unutterable pleasure divine. Appreciate its lofty sweet-smelling intoxicating domain. Turn up the powerfully erotic fragrance and be filled to capacity with the unquenchable sublime.