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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

CosmicTherapy Shows

Watch Cosmic Therapy with host Paula Andrea Pyle live and in motion!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Original Music by Paula Andrea Pyle

Original songs written, produced and sung by Paula Andrea Pyle http://www.iheartmusic.com/new2/artists/i/222078.html

Is That You? Who?

{Recognizing the Stirring of Sacred Passion}
Something inexplicable is stirring in the deepest cavern of your soul; undeniably, you detect its haunting movement. You've tried explaining it away with all sorts of rational inner monologues, but nothing quiets the rumbling sounds of discontent. You look in the mirror and see what appears to be 'the same familiar face' staring back at you, yet you pause, not altogether certain and question IF in fact THAT person in the mirror (who is determined to stay) is really you. You may go a wee bit further when you're so inclined to take the extra few moments it requires, to delve a little deeper in philosophically expressed wonderment. "Who are you? Who are you really and what do you want? When was the exact point you decided to take up residency in my body? I stare at you peering back at me with that hint of sarcasm in your refrain and I demand that you tell me how I can expose your genuine intent." Up until this point, you've been able to maintain a 'passable' facade by modifying whatever unpleasant emotions you may have felt, denying the ones that bothered you the most while all the time, hiding the rest. But, now, the well-known worn out old tactics you held in reserve no longer work. You find yourself more impatient and less tolerant. It's not that you want to be unpleasant and less amicable; you simply can't muster up the phoniness to pull it off as easily. Nothing spectacular has happened to bring on these disturbing sensations, you just can't force yourself to feel like you did at one time. Of course, you could invent convenient fictitious reasons to explain why you are not the same and point to some fickle inconsequential little thing that caused the change, but in reality you KNOW perfectly well that person, event, situation, occurrence had nothing to do with your 'absence of feeling.' You tell yourself, "I'd like to, I really would," but you know it's a lie. "Why can't I be satisfied? Why can't I leave well enough alone? Why do I have to cause such a scene? Am I really that dissatisfied and selfish ?" You repeat these words over and over but the obscure intent doesn't budge. You supposedly have everything you want or at least as close to it for the time being but THAT doesn't seem to make much difference, either. You feel as if something in you has definitely changed or maybe in your partner; you really don't know for sure. All you know is you don't like it. People don't change; seasons do. Your season has changed; it's as simple as that.You, as an eagerly evolving entity, (human being) have moved on into the next phase of your life. Though nothing appears any different in your exterior world THAT is not where the seasons change. It's an inside job! You are experiencing the soil of new growth where plentiful fortuitous offshoots of imaginative activity are beginning to forge their way into the light. These young tender shoots have been hidden, locked away and preserved underground in the cold, dark, moist soil for many years germinating in the maturation process. For this period, in particular, these so-called fragile plants were the repressed gifts and talents that have lain dormant waiting to be released in full power and unmistakable glory. Their ineffable nature is no less than unspeakable works of immense beauty and splendor resulting from the art, music and drama concealed within you. These indestructible gifts are immeasurably linked together with an 'avenue of expression' you have not "appropriately pursued". This unexpected venue of artistic expression is staring you right smack dab in the face but in an unusually surprising interesting way. The door is usually marked, "Enter at thy own risk" but if you do, don't be dismayed when you end up embarrassed, humiliated, ridiculed or abhorred and first of all misunderstood. {Furthermore, the people who are the closest to you will not comprehend your actions, at all.} It matters not; you must follow the inner call of your soul no matter how absurd it seems to you and others. Whether you realize it or not, in total silence (in the privacy of your mind) have you been honing your individualized sacred craft, {such as Daniel purposed in his heart} researching and writing: through reading, experiencing 'hands on' in all levels of flavorful experimental activities, {why else do you think you did some of the things you did} testing the waters until at such time you would be ready to practically and meaningfully apply what you've learned. Your creative ideas have been finely tuned and honed in such a way that the final results are nothing short of mind blowing. {Though certainly no one would believe you IF you chose to tell them}. In fact, you even doubt yourself and your adept ability to orchestrate these undisclosed ideas. Original, inventive, pioneering, innovative and unique, you, as a master of divine essence have lived every hour with these unmanifested dreams breathing life into them as the vital essence of your being. You will manifest what you carry inside of you! You can do nothing else.Why did it take such a long time to come to this realization? Everything in your life points to the fact that for this interim of time you have been in the need of and process of some serious healing. A total voluntary (mental)and partial involuntary (emotional) with (resistant) physical cleansing of the contamination that you have necessarily picked up from living on the earth involved with a negative mix of carry over karma: {for lack of better more definitive term}, mental, physical, verbal, financial, and sexual abuse. Because you were so determined to 'wipe the slate clean' you were unwavering in your mind's choice never to cheat or to run out on your obligations and personal duty. {Even in those times when it seemed you quit, you DID NOT relinquish the objective.} By doing so, you have arrived at the place of being freed from the season of bound up consciousness. In other words, you are finally ready to let go! You have come to that place in your life when you are beginning to understand and appreciate that everything that has ever happened to you happened for divine reasons. Your life could not have been one single solitary iota different. It was all necessary. Accept it! All of it. Not one little aspect could have been left out in order to have brought you to this most marvelous place of a new day dawning.You needed each and every experience to occur in exactly and precisely the manner they took place, with no exceptions. {Especially the ones that seemed to hurt you the most!} That is exactly why you are wrestling with the sensations that are stirring deep in your gut, now. These remarkably delightful pleasurous wandering sensations are the Divine PASSION in you at work. Yes, they are unmistakably deeply erotic in description. Nothing on the outside of you can remotely touch its burning flavor of rapture!!! For sexuality is highest form of spirituality known to man. {Creative Force} You are communing with the sacred 'in you' to find and deliver your truest expression. Can this truly unifying experience do away with daily anxious confrontations and trivial anxieties? Of course, not. NO one is exempt from having to experience the daily menu of problems, tribulations, gnawing fears, frustrating complications and bothersome irritations; the difference is you are no longer identified with them. You are not attached to the outcome any longer. "You're in the world but not of it." Now, is the time for you to step forth. Drop that which you know you must (distractions) to do the only thing that brings ultimate bliss for you. You know how to do it. The HOW is wrapped up the WHO.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Intangible Voice of Motivation

In order, for you, to connect and express YOUR Intangible Voice of Motivation, which is nothing less than your individual Soul’s Assignment, you must first want to discover the obscurely veiled talents, gifts and abilities that lie repressed in you. Then, after acknowledging and agreeing that you are ready to receive the ‘pool of work’ attached, you must also agree to volunteer the time, effort, inclination, interest and experience required to explore, expose and use these gifts for your benefit and pleasure. This will certainly involve a different, more acutely defined way of interacting with yourself, dreams, relationships, work, and environment. Second, you must need to fulfill an undeniable longing that won’t be quieted any other way and third, you must actively participate in the responsibility of the excavation of the sacred revelations revealed. Although the information will seem very personal, it is cosmic in nature, and intricately linked to everything else that exists. It is what is sometimes referred to as esoteric (hidden) information. It is written: “those who seek me diligently will find me.” No doubt, there is a Distinct Voice that governs and leads you at all times, selecting for you pertinent experiences in life without your conscious knowledge or consent. This Divine Voice has often been referred to as your conscience, soul, sub-conscience or spirit. One Revolutionary Master of old referred to it as the “HOLY Spirit’ who would guide and direct you in all truth. “IT” is abstract in nature, due to the fact of the mysterious nature in which it works. Unbeknown to you, this ‘STILL SMALL VOICE’ operates at all times without error, drawing to you those things, places, people and occurrences that will aid and challenge you in your daily walk. No rhyme or reason affects the disposition of this never changing Distinct Voice. Without relent, “IT” steadily, unwaveringly, constantly, untiringly and regularly sends you pertinent messages through all sorts of viable means. {Be they pleasant or unpleasant} Some people are able to drown out {or, at least turn down} the innate messages being delivered by turning up the volume of the presumed ‘voice of distraction’ in their present lives. However, these so called chaotic events, {though they may seem to be disconnected from the, still small voice, along with the people and circumstances that surround them} are necessary for your personal growth and evolvement and in no wise contradict your personal revered journey. No matter how much you would like to argue in defense of your present situation, you need to at least be open to the idea that everything happens for a Divine Reason of which you are totally unaware. You must come to realize that the Soul’s Voice will not be silenced for that Voice is the singular defining aspect of your life. Although, the ‘still small voice’ is always in operation, filling you with complete blessed assurance that everything is perfectly in order, you are more than likely not able to relate to, much less integrate, the relevance of the cohesive situation’s message being offered at the time. This fact is especially noted when the circumstances are either filled with heartbreaking pain, betrayal, infidelity, abandonment, confusion, despair, depression, abuse or unexpected disappointment. Other such debilitating circumstances are those labeled depravity, rejection, and/or corruption. Many bewildering things happen in the run of a day that you do not readily understand or comprehend. “That’s the nature of the beast,” or so they say. But the truth is: things happen for reasons you can’t see, appreciate or possibly understand at the moment they occur. And more often than not, you are left wondering “What does/did that mean? Why did that happen to me?”

In order to know, you will have to shift gears in your thinking and processing faculty. It’s all a matter of ‘making sense’ out of the non-linear puzzle! Yes, I said non-linear. Nothing happens in a straight line; all of life takes place zig-zaggedly. You will need to suspend the idea that you already know the outcome of any predisposed circumstance IF you are going to make any advancement in comprehension (consciousness). That sentence is worth repeating: you must eliminate the well ingrained notion that you can … “see what is going on beforehand.” You can’t. We none can. There are indisputable ways of tapping into, connecting and ‘making sense’ of those seemingly disjointed and fragmented parts of the personal ‘human’ puzzle that lay before us each hour. But, it requires patience, the greatest of all virtues. What else do you have to do? Pay Attention. You must consciously bring awareness to your everyday walk. That’s precisely what Cosmic Therapy is all about: learning how to remember to be acutely aware of yourself in your surroundings. You can not continue to jump to conclusions and automatically assume that something you may have seen or done a 1000 times before is insignificant. You can not simply dismiss an event or person as unimportant or irrelevant simply because you have grown accustomed to the face or idea. And, just as meaningful, you absolutely can not dismiss another for his/her actions simply because they are something you are not comfortable with, used to, or do not appeal to you. {Some of life’s most significant messages are brought about by so called ‘indecent’ “improper” and “shocking” messengers.} Furthermore, you can not continue to whine, moan, bitch and complain because you believe you got the short of the stick and/or how somebody did you so wrong. Boo Hoo! Everybody’s got a story, so what? That’s the quicksand. You have grown too comfortable and complacent. You have become so bored with your life that you’ve begun to invent dramatic scenarios to engage your restless mind for awhile. It only works for the short term. There is so much more taking place in you and around you that you are not able to appreciate and absorb. The Voice of your incomparable Soul, who continually, without fail, sends you tangible little reminders, promptings and inner messages for your contemplation never, sleeps. But, you must be awake enough to see, hear, feel, taste and experience the authenticity of them. These Divine messages are always the “IT” behind the apparent ‘scene in operation’; not the obvious but the what ‘else’ that’s going down. You want the Real Deal? Then get quiet, slow down, stop and observe yourself this moment. What are you feeling and where are you feeling it at? What color shirt, blouse, sweater do you have on? Take, for example: what is standing directly behind you? [Four feet, ten feet, 40 feet?] Put these items in a sequential sentence. I know it sounds ludicrous, but just do it. And, don’t forget No One possesses the insight/ability to be able to or can decipher the applicable message for you {including me}.
That’s your job. But, I will reiterate, whatever it is that surrounds you is vitally important to your individual life and interpersonal activities at this moment in time. Write them off, IF you choose to, that’s your business. But, if you are serious about connecting with the divine center in which the Intangible Voice of Motivation resides, you will have to become PRESENT in your affairs. In whatever way convenient and natural for you, start observing the things (sights, scents, sounds, sensations, and flavors) going on in and around you at all times. You possess a divine intent that responds very well to games. The more entertaining, the better it responds.

It’s all about sheer pleasure. What are you passionate about? What truly interests you? Not for what you get from it but simply because you enjoy doing it? Use your life as a game in the way much like a personality-awakening artistic experiment. Without giving conscious thought, preference or notable reason, check the position and temperature of your feet. What kind of shoes do you have on? Where did you purchase them? Why? What was going on that day with you? IF, you follow this through faithfully, an esoteric message pertinent to you at this VERY instant will be immediately revealed. You, nor I, have any logical explanation as to why or how these things work. Have fun with it! You decide what objects to select for observation at any given time. That’s all part of the fantastic mystery of your particular Soul speaking directly to you in some way beyond my intellectual capacity to speculate. You may respond by saying, “I’ll choose things I like because that’s just how I am. And, I’m so lazy, I won’t keep it up.” OKAY but, that’s NOT the real motivating factor behind your decision, at all. Nor is it the point! The point is for you to simply select at random any item of interest, at any time IT occurs to you, no matter what you think the reason to be for your choice or occasion. Don’t force yourself to try to dissect and analyze the ‘supposed’ reason for your selection. Simply allow {by giving enough space in your preconceived thoughts} for the blatant realization to surface. In time, you will be able to discover and revel in the marvel of how ALL things are interrelated and connected. So, now it’s up to you. Have a blast with it! It’s a cosmic kind of therapy; entertaining, enlightening and fun, too.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Art: The Sacred Sexual Creative Instinct!

ART, the sexually imbued creative instinct, instilled liberally in man, is that inescapable incomprehensibly undomesticated part of our nature which allows no imitation but reminds us constantly that, "unless we find and express our natural and convenient original sacred artistic heritage, we will never be satisfied". With an incessant mocking inner voice, taunting and accusing, we try every available outer distraction and apparent entertainment to gratify but to no avail. Nothing will but sheer artistic authenticity will satisfy. We know instinctively we will not be released from the constant nagging dull headaches, restless sleepless nights and consuming crankiness until our soul's mistress is wooed, acknowledged and articulated. Her vacillating ways are unmistakably capricious, ruthless, and completely unforgivable. Her ever pervading impetuous spastic force of unconquerable ingenious surges demands the last breath of our undivided attention and every ounce of our solicitous blood's respect without recompense. She invades without warning or invitation. She wields her unyielding hypnotically embellished artistic power, injecting into our minds irresistible passion in our veins as our hands beg for expression. Willing bones in our fingers plead/weep for discharge to carry out the work as she so disinterestedly demands. Nobody's concubine: Her first name is Passion; Her last Execution. Art weaves the omnipotent emotional indulgent fiber into the deflated human being operating as the unduly masked ill-defined impetus that drives him/her mad. Elusive innate disproportionately placed motivation lulls, lures, caresses, invites, snares, beguiles, woos, pampers, intrigues, seduces and then impartially destroys what is left of the fragile pride ridden self-image. Hopelessly obsessed by her intoxicating pleasure filled fragrance, driven into realms of unimaginable ecstasy, shattered into filaments of inexpressible delight while never being able to embrace, much less tame, the torridly wild fire she ignites. We, as artists, are impoverished and embellished by her effervescent prodigality. Incapable of retaining her, we teeter on the brink of insanity hoping for a mere glance of recognition. ART selects as it will, establishes, provokes, and maintains an intoxicatingly feverish impudent game of tease, all the while (day/night) running rampant though the unfathomable recesses of our minds according to her whims and fancies. She is incapable of being coerced, subdued or spoiled. Completely unmanageable, she's subversively fickle and will not tolerate being domesticated. What she, at times, coyly allows us to imagine through her, we form into pervasive existence. Nothing lies outside the boundaries of ART. She reigns supreme. Not one invisible speck of dust is without having been penetrated {inhaled and exhaled} by artistic creation. From the ordinary to the sublime, we are all submerged in the multifaceted sensual arms of ART. Sensually caressed and mesmerizingly enveloped by her loving embrace, we sense the erotic beating of "ecstasy's exclaim', eager, willing, subdued; we silently smile submitting to soul's surrender, knowing fully she will do with us as she wills, anyway she wills.

Let us make known and celebrate the undeniable fact: all human beings are indeed, artists. No matter if you immediately agree with me or not, {as to whether you fall in this revered category} at this point, I ask to you to keep your mind open as we travel together down the path of artistic unveiling. I reiterate: You are first and foremost an artist whether you recognize this fact or not. Every move and gesture you attempt is artistic in nature. Just think about the amount of variegated variance in the personal tastes you possess. You are motivated to style your hair a certain way. You arrange your clothes in a definitely distinctive preferred selected style. You drive a specific car for reasons catered and designed to your personal taste, needs and finances. The intimate relationship you deem acceptable, places you live, the people you associate with, the job you have, the music, food and furnishings you possess were also decided upon by you according to your own individualistic artistic inclinations. You like certain colors, fabrics, styles, and designs. Others you turn away from because they are not to your liking'. Even something as simple as the coffee cup you drink out of, the toothbrush you own, the hair brush you use, represent the evidence that you are an artist. You create and preserve a certain artistic expression in all of your surroundings. You are engulfed with an array of distinct colorful ways that say as much about you as is possible barring the time, effort and money you put into it. The way you talk, write, walk, glint in your eyes, fluidness in the parting of your lips, the way you make gestures with your hands and body, the menu, the movies and instruments you enjoy represent yet again your creative nature. Whether you like animals, the outdoors, the gym, dancing, singing, drawing, building, politics, the medical field, or Criminal Justice etc.; you are constantly painting the diverse picture of your unique life.

At the same time you are building your artistic paradise, you are inundated with preconceived ideas and notions of what you suppose to be "good and bad" art. Up until this time, you may have quickly judged and condemned respectable artistic renderings in ignorance or you may, just as easily praised and worshiped certain art, believing you could never master such skillful techniques, application and demonstration. Possibly, you did not recognize or appreciate the supreme splendor of divine edification offered in the ordinary empty carton of milk, the top ripped entirely too wide, covered with pellets of borrowed squeezed ketchup tossed capsized in the bottom of a battered army green thirty gallon rubber trash can. Or the upturned rusted badly faded wheel-less red tricycle, buried nose deep on its left side puncturing the metal rod in the debris strewn yard, handlebars enwrapped under a fragmented blue plastic child's grass mildewed swimming pool. These are just a few of the basic ephemeral artistic renderings filling your creatively induced world. Discover it for yourself. Draw, paint, chisel or mold your way through the maze of your own making.

The world is occupied with hustling, bustling, rustling neglected anonymous representations of endearing artful masterpieces comprised by unknown artists. These artists depict their worlds, lives and universes through unparalleled installations, they humbly develop and produce. Some of these artists are not conscious of the merit of their work, because they are too embarrassed or insecure to display it. They have been inadvertently conditioned to believe that only certain kinds of Art make it or are worthy to be critiqued and commented upon. But true ART is never buried. It shouts its unsurpassed unappreciated or acknowledged glory in the sun for all to witness. It does it bow or cower to the vainglorious opinions of ostentatious men. It reeks of desolate attempts to say what can not be uttered any other way. ART demands our unfledged reaction and naked response. The artist willfully exploits himself so that he may convey something of value to him. Genuine ART will not be duplicated. Nor will the artist be mocked, influenced or swayed by popular opinion. Preferences and distinctions create separation. Separation births placidity in the soul. The human being may deem himself and his life worthless and meaningless because he does not recognize the brilliant effervescent artistic talent that permeates him. Everything is ART. Creation itself is ART. Not a jot or tittle is refused. Man's innermost desire is to create and express his creation. {The definition of connection and meaningful communication.} This connection is made by and through unimpeded artistic attempts. We have overlooked the abundance of ART that constitutes our lives. More importantly, we have disavowed the artists who produce the simple things; we so easily take for granted. I have heard it stated: He/she simply doesn't have an eye for accurate art'. But, pray tell me, does not one man's eye work in the same manner as another. Can he not see the sheer beauty in what is produced as compost? Elimination is the key, the key to unblocking all debilitating ideas on what composes worthy and unworthy art.

Take a second to look at the ordinary (which in fact is the extraordinary) things that interpolate our world on a daily basis. By becoming more aware of the various schemes, colors, and patterns, we choose, and reject, you may come to realize just how very artistic you really are. You may even stumble vicariously into that part of yourself which lies repressed, waiting for excavation; liberated expression. Construct your personal way/method of excavation into the deepest parts of your concealed soul so that you may reveal to yourself definite hidden artistic truths. {Embarrassment usually bars the door.} Just like a seed planted in the ground: what has been concealed must by universal law be revealed.

You Are My Only Love

You Are My Only Love
You are my only love,
The one I live and breathe for,
If I didn't have you in my world,
I don't think I could make it one day more.
Verse: On the day we met, I felt such a thrill
My mind exploded, my heart stood still
When you looked at me in that sexy way
I know I'll never recover from that sweet day
Verse: I remember all the happy times we've known
When you're not here I just sit and moan
How can it be I'm such a lucky guy
Sometimes I laugh so hard it makes me cry
Verse: People talk about all the things they want
But I don't need a thing drinking from your font
I'm so high on life because you love me
Life don't get no better than this actually
Bridge: I'll never do you wrong, girl
It ain't written in the stars
Our love is like a spaceship
Let me fly you up to mars
Tag: No if I didn't have you in my world
I don't think I could make it one day more

Can't Teach Those that Need to Be Taught

"Can't Teach Those that Need to Be Taught"
Each person, born with indestructible entertaining artistic gifts, is charged with the revered responsibility of using them for a specifically designed cosmic destiny of worthwhile merit.

Can't Teach Those that Need to Be Taught

"Can't Teach Those that Need to Be Taught"
Each person, born with indestructible entertaining artistic gifts, is charged with the revered responsibility of using them for a specifically designed cosmic destiny of worthwhile merit.

Friday, February 6, 2009

You Are My Only Love

Love song submitted for Valentine's Day to Associated Content, accepted and published! Great!! Give it a listen!!! Thanks!http://www.associatedcontent.com/audio/6654/you_are_my_only_love.html?cat=33

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Don't Let Your Eyes Betray You

In another dimension of the parallel universe, we may be supplied with the perplexing answers we so earnestly seek the instant we need them. Or, we might not stumble when we doubt ourselves or the outcome of our actions when attempting to accomplish various highly sought after goals and aspirations. We certainly would never be in a ‘financial bind’ nor be worried sick over bills, unexpected expenses, or ‘having the money’ should we need it for ourselves or our loved ones in cases of emergency. We would be more actively and intimately involved with the ones we say we love, “MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD”. And, they would reciprocate by tenderly showing these adoring and supporting emotions at THE times when it definitely mattered the most. We would never be frightened, depressed or paranoid regarding our inadequacies and shortcomings. We wouldn’t feel pressured by the need to compete or compare, nor would we entertain thoughts of jealousy or envy of another’s good fortune, looks, bank account, status or intelligence. We absolutely wouldn’t walk around mad with a huge chip on our shoulders ‘mulling’ and ‘fuming’ over and over in minds all the times we feel we’ve been cheated, lied to, betrayed, done wrong or got the short end of the stick. No amount of negativity would be able to enter our minds at any level, especially thoughts of being undervalued and overlooked. We would always be assured that we were appreciated, respected and acknowledged for the unique talents we possess. Self pity would never be able to find a comfortable spot in our lives re-enforcing the incessant qualm: “you aint good enough”, “you’ve never been good enough” and “you won’t ever be good enough.” The notion that only the rich get richer and the poor get poorer would not exist. The idea of how beautiful, strong, intelligent or funny we were would never even enter our self-confident and self-assured minds. And, finally we would be so deliriously happy, spiritually enriched, physically fulfilled, sexually stimulated, mentally contented, financially productive, emotionally elevated, excited to be alive, filled with an abundance of enthusiasm to live each day to the “MAX” doing only those things that we were truly and genuinely passionate about, bombarded with as much beauty, charisma, talent, gifts, intelligence, wit, humor and rewarding potential as we could possibly display be in whatever sensual, artistic and creative pursuits we so desired. Oh YEAH!!! Wouldn’t that be the life?
Well, guess what??? It is life. The one and only life that exists! And, if you are not experiencing this spontaneous passionate interactive rewarding receptively invigorating ‘give and take’ accomplished type of reality, then, even though, you may be breathing in enough air to stay alive, you are technically asleep {DEAD, maybe; even mummified}. You are literally walking around with your eyes open but incapable of seeing what’s actually taking place in the world you’re supposedly living in. You are on automatic pilot! You have become so accustomed to your surroundings and the people who inhabit your personal space that you don’t perceive them or the triumphant parts they play in the ‘story’ of your individual life. {Including, those who seem to hurt you the MOST!} Actually, what you have done, through no fault of your own, of course [you didn’t know any better] is to have created a story that is completely false in every sense of the word and because you continue to feed and fuel it, YOU believe it’s real! You honestly believe that nothing is going to change for you. You walk around in the dumps, complaining endlessly. You criticize every little thing. You’re not the least bit grateful for the small things (insignificant, to you) that are so vitally important in your magical world. MAGICAL? Yes, I did use the word magical. [Life is nothing short of magical.] The insignificant things, I am referring to are wrapped in the disguise of the disgusting, ugly, mean, hurtful, improper, deceiving, lying, disrespectful, and discourteous. Don’t let your eyes betray you. Look a little deeper. What’s really going on in your mirrored world?
You jump to conclusions far too quickly. You assign certain roles of position in either importance/significance or unimportance/insignificance and then base EVERYTHING on a predetermined memory without further exploration or investigation. You allow for no growth or error. In other words, you label EVERYTHING in your universe on various familiar levels of predetermined FIXED meaning. You interpret and analyze and discredit or exalt EVERTHING (on that basis of distorted memory built upon an emotionally biased subjective frame of reference). Because you consciously choose to ‘see the previously recorded picture’ of the person without engaging yourself presently with him/her, you never truly experience the genuine event or human being. What does that invoke? An ongoing sickening saga {soap opera} filled life of restlessness, boredom, dissatisfaction, defensiveness, critical mindset, disinterest, depression, lethargy, coupled with the undeniable unrelenting sense of foreshadowed misery that keeps you in a perpetual state of indifference declaring: “What the hell does it matter anyway?” And “Who cares?” Believe me. It matters. It’s your life we’re talking about! What you need is a new and unadulterated vision. There’s no doubt you’d like to change the way you feel and see things. You just don’t know how to go about it. Right? You want to have a clear vision without EVERYTHING being filtered through your ‘tangled up mind’ view. You realize you feel like a stranger in a strange land,; looking in the mirror asking yourself , “Who are you and how did you get into my life?”
The reason that people and events are like strangers to you is because YOU are a stranger to yourself. Yes. I said YOU are a stranger to yourself. YOU DON’T REALLY KNOW WHAT YOU WANT AND EVEN IF YOU DID, YOU WOULDN’T RECOGNIZE IT BECAUSE YOU AUTOMATTICALLY ASSUME YOU know WHAT SOMETHING IS BEFORE IT HAS AN OPPORTUNITY TO REVEAL ITSELF TO YOU. You decided somewhere along the way that you are aware of your actions, thoughts and words. Which in fact, you are not. Remember? I told you: You are asleep. Is a sleeping person aware of anything? The fact is: you are not paying attention to the still small voice inside you that waits patiently for you to recognize and respond. I’m not talking religion. I’m talking your authentic voice you so cleverly shut down years ago when it interfered with your plans of instant gratification. Your eyes became fixed on the outside. You started to believe what you saw instead of what you knew to be true for you. You have too many voices living inside your head {other people’s opinions} vying for your attention. Your eyes are constantly looking at the apparent situation you are currently engaged in while measuring it for appropriate and worthwhile merit. The problem is: you are measuring with inaccurate measuring devices. Your tools are defunct! You are looking at a camel and calling it a rooster. You don’t know the difference because your sight is too emotionally colored. When you’ve already established unwavering negative or blissful guidelines, it’s hard to see anything but what you choose to. “You’ve already made up your mind: you KNOW what color red is and nobody aint gonna tell you any different.” The problem is: there are countless multifarious shades of red, tints, of red, hues of red ….Guess what? YOU really don’t want to change your mind much less your circumstances. That’s right. You’ve grown so comfortable in your misery and depression that any other possibility of living life scares the hell out of you. So, why are you whining and complaining? It’s automatic, I told. You’re on automatic pilot. “But, Paula Andrea,” you may ask, “IF what you are saying is really true, how do I go about altering my vision, re-creating my surroundings, re-setting my barometer of choice, re-selecting another lens for better focus?” It all begins with a declaration of intent that you acknowledge clearly and purposefully that your confinement is your release. “What??? Are you out of your mind?” I thought you were going to show me the way out. I am. The only way out is in. The only way to see is to shut your eyes and mouth! Put a muzzle on it. The only way to have a potently instructive vision is to experience the opposite as truth. Stop. Observe yourself. See how much of your present life is being lived in a zombie state.
The reason your eyes are clouded over is because you really don’t want to expose yourself to the unlimited possibilities that exist right where your feet are planted. It’s impossible, you say. You tremble at the thought that to take a peak, (an improbable chance) or to believe that another layer of reality does exit for you in the midst of what you perceive as a hopeless domain would be more than you could handle. But, what if the circumstances which “LOOK SO BARREN AND UNPRODUCTIVE” are hiding the genuine keys that can and will fulfill all of your wildest and most exotic/erotic dreams? ‘Not a chance’, you say. That’s only your fear talking again. It’s letting you know, once more, how gravely disappointed in, for and with yourself you will be when it doesn’t happen for you. So, you dare not hope. Instead you continue to walk around half-blind living the life of a disconnected phoney. But, I declare to you with EVERTHING that exists in this dimension of time and space that there is no such thing as HOPE. Hope implies DOUBT. Forget hope. Don’t ask permission; just do it! Wake up!!! There is something else going on, and you should know what that something is. It is going deep inside of you. However, it requires a keen observation of watching yourself as you would study a goldfish in a tank. Not for condemnation but for relaxing surprising information. How? Over and over, repeat where your feet are currently standing and state precisely exactly what it is you are doing. Don’t say yes when you normally would. Say no. Remove the hesitations and pauses in your conversations. Say the one thing you’d never say outloud to the one person you think who would be the most disturbed by your saying it. Laugh for no reason in front of others, then, or watch yourself as you respond to their reactions. Don’t ask who’s on the phone IF it’s not for you. Don’t ask: “How is so and so?” Go find out for yourself or drop the question, altogether. Stop pretending to care about something or someone when you don’t. That’s when GENUNIE caring begins!!! And, finally stop condemning or praising yourself. Move along. You’re only sleepwalking, remember? Observing yourself, your world and the people in it takes an enormous amount of work, commitment and focus but it’s so much fun. One day, you’ll surprise yourself and WAKE UP. Then, what do you do? Ahhh…that’s another juicy topic altogether.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Consideration: What is there really to Consider

Unmasking the veil of self-deception concealed in the act of consideration.
No doubt, you are convinced that you are prevented from living the life you would like to live because of the many considerations involved. And, furthermore because your situation is so unique and complicated with numerous extenuating factors, it would be impossible, [not to mention, totally selfish] for you to pursue your dreams. There is absolutely no way you would be so thoughtless, disrespectful, insensitive, unaccommodating, and self-centered to put your wants and needs before another. How grand! While you are in the midst of all of your consuming considerations, coupled with the self-effaced picture of how benevolent you are, "to deny yourself these silent aspirations", you conjure up even more elaborately inscribed considerations as a means of sabotage. Not only are you quite adept in the 'art of consideration' but undermining your most passionate desires, without the slightest bit of recognizable manipulation, is simply an sophisticatedly adroit affair. Acting as a master self-deceiving manipulator, your actions are impeccably maneuvered in such a way that no one would ever suspect how much you resent, (inwardly seethe) not being able to fulfill your own heart's desire. You have so crafted your outward gestures of aiding the other, to such a degree, that people actually praise you for being so "understanding", "patient" "kind" "loving" and of course, "considerate".
The idea that you have so many THINGS to consider invariably speaks to the fact that you are hiding beneath a façade of inappropriate delusion. For some reason, {known only to you}, you have chosen to live your life vicariously through another, having convinced yourself that not only is it noble but praiseworthy, as well. You have further convinced yourself that your apparent self-denial is a sign of LOVE in the highest measure of degree. False. Not true. You can not possibly LOVE when you harbor unfinished business within. Nor can you love another when you want something from him/her. {Wanting the other person to be happy, successful, fulfilled... is wanting something} CONSIDERATION is just another convenient word for “not showing up for your own life.” What are you afraid of? What are you embarrassed about? What is it that so terrifies you to think of attempting and failing? Who are you supposedly concerned over upsetting? Why are you really sublimating your desires? {It's really not only futile to do this, but stupid.} You can not hide from yourself. Whatever YOU are, shines through like a locomotive's headlight. Have you ever stopped to think how much energy you are wasting in all of your fruitless considering? The amount of time you spend, mulling the THINGS over in your mind while trying to cover up the subliminal hints being dropped along the way is preposterous.
Consider. Consider. Consider. After you exhaust yourself in the unrelenting act of considering, then you start inventing more things to consider. By this time, {being the charitable person you are} you start worrying about the things you have been considering to gauge whether or not you should or could do more than you are doing. How double grand! When and IF you allow yourself the opportunity and granted permission to possibly envision the attainment conceived in your dreams, you end up feeling unnecessarily guilty for having done so. You might even ponder, once in a while, the most RIGHT and least offensive course of action to take in the matter IF your did decide to pursue. However, you dismiss it rather quickly in favor of staying in good graces with the business partner, friendship, romantic involvement, relationship, marriage, or the significant other. How absurd! How can you possibly tame a wild stallion? How can you "put out" the fire of your own innate enthusiasm? You can't.
The naturally inclined impetus of impetuosity will not let you be. You must answer its wooing call, sometime. Sooner or later, what you've tried so hard in vain to hold down, shut up, BURY {under the guise of consideration} will rise up in unmistakable fury. The artistic creative passion in you will surge like a tsunami on a day when you least expect it. {Overtaking you and all of those around you} You were born to create. To express openly, freely and uninhibited is your natural birth right not to be assuaged. It is sexual in nature. Sexual Energy is the highest form of spiritual energy available to mankind! Music is its affinity, art its cohort, the written word its vehicle and drama its superlative expression. You are the magnificently created concoction in exaltation to be ejaculated while on Earth. There can be no consideration applied. Consideration lies in the passive mode. Make no mistake about it, you are actively engaged at all times completely engulfed by the flames of sacred passion. We all are!
Some might say, “Doesn't one have to consider such things as how many bricks it will take to build or lay a foundation of a house?” In this case, consideration is not linked to personal objectives. It's mere measurement. If 1300 bricks are needed, then 1300 bricks will be secured to actively build the house. Any further discussion concerning the 1300 bricks will be alleviated, once having started the structure. The consideration is tied to reality not escapism. Considering is not an action; on the contrary, it is the undeniable way to avoid action. Unlike effective talking, which states a definite intent, followed by deliberate action, {in line with the project whether it be physical or mental} produces tangible results without lally gagging in the meantime. Far too much time is consumed in consideration. Words are powerful and "magical" in nature. Too much talking dilutes their inherent manifold properties. Considering is nothing more than "deformed magic." Excessive talking that results in more incessant talking about the talking is the true definition of consideration. Any prolonged talk, no matter how intelligent it sounds, or to what emotional extent it appeals, seduces and conjures. It is guilefully inspired to cause consideration and deliberating. Consideration is no more than a seductive trap to snare your attention away from the project at hand: YOU.
Considering anything is totally useless. Your soul conceives, voice and tongue are used to state the intent; your feet to stand, squat or sit, your hands to construct and your passion to invoke and approach the creation with reverence. Then, with ardent appreciation you release it into the universe. {For in reality, you as a singular human being had nothing to do with its inherrent manifestation outside your being used as a divine mode of expression to bring about your individual particular execution of divinity.} The Sacred Intent works through you and your soul without regard of you. The result of your apparent manifestation is of no concern of yours any more than the thought that arrives in your head before you have time to think it. Consideration: once again. Your personal feelings, effort, and concern over such matters are rather boring to say the least and morbidly dull to say the most. Your so-called informed thoughts upon things are somewhat limited. There is always that third omnipresent presence unaccounted for. Thinking that you can be any more educated on a subject by considering all options is fruitless. On the same token, believing that by discovering who your mate cheated with, for how long and in what ways will bring added benefit is erroneous. No causeway or direction can be found to alleviate consideration and concern. Pointless! Get over it. Refuse to speak of it again. {Much more productive and mentally rewarding.}
You are never in a position to comment on a situation that has been decreed from another dimension of the Universe for you to experience. Without consideration, you are to accept the Divine Intent without provocation. Further talk is indolent discussion. Paying attention to how determined you are to negate your relegated passion is necessary for the Great Work. The Great Work is in you, for you and is YOU! Never forget: a divine plan has been implemented for your life. The irrevocable structure will not be decreased, diminished or delayed because of your lack of attention to details. It will merely restrict your ability to break through in understanding of what is taking place currently. In other words, while your world of illusion is shattered, you will most likely try to consider your options. There are none. The direct cause of all so-called unnecessary turmoil, guilt, worry, concern, mental anguish, fear, phobias and anxiety is due to the fact you considered something or someone. You have no way of ever knowing what is to be in its entirety but you can comprehend in full wisdom the exacting truth that nothing will befall that you are not sufficiently equipped to deal with in the divinely ordered experience. So, stop considering.

Finding Your Abode

Losing one's center is a grave situation. Rediscovering the link to the soul's innate enthusiasm is not only vital for an overall improvement in health, reduction in anxiety, but sexually engaging. People inadvertently throw themselves away for a variety of reasons. It is imperative to retrieve this powerful life-sustaining force to ignite and illuminate clear purpose and direction.

How many times have you asked yourself, “Where am I supposed to be?” “What am I supposed to be doing?” “Who am I honestly supposed to be sharing my bed with?” “What do I really want to do with my life?” “In what manner do I want to live?” The answer is clearly obvious: “What are you passionate about?” Not merely interested, involved, love, or even presently studying or pursuing. I’m talking about what fills your physical body with pure raw creative sexual instinctively driven artery exploding, vein pulsating blood pumping fervent enthusiasm? {The one-of-a kind sensual energy (power) that literally sets you on fire, oozing out of every pore, bubbling with each step you take.}Personal charismatic P-o-w-e-r! Unadulterated Power, unstoppable penetrating power that defines the loftiest most elevated spiritual creative vibrational energy available to mankind. Moreover, this sacred personal attracting power is given to all to be used and expressed prodigiously. In other words, you are to walk, talk, breathe, move, make love, sing, dance, build, eat, sleep, read, write, create ‘you and your world’ with this ineffable force.
When you awake in the morning, you’re meant to be flooded with excited ‘raring to go’ thoughts as they hit your head, while at the same time your feet bounce onto the floor in unceasing super-charged sensually ignited movements. Sound unreasonable? Why? Who sold and when did you buy the idea of being anything less than the indescribable sacredly imbued sexual magnet you are inherently designed to be? If this truly is not your present state of existence, tell me what life-draining exaggerated measures do you take to hide the numbed indifference and alienated disconnection you are currently experiencing? How do you {IF you do} bury these annoying sensations? I can assure you IT is difficult, almost impossible, to hide who and what you truly are. {Much less how you Feel!} Unfortunately, it is vividly displayed in full animated horror all over your face and throughout your countenance. What flows; shows! When is the last time you took a real good hard look at yourself? Can it possibly be that you bumble throughout your day hardly aware of your surroundings and/or events taking place right before your eyes? Do I hear you saying, “Nothing much excites me, anymore.” I can’t remember that last time I felt like a clueless scandalous impulsive teenager.” [IF, in fact, I ever did.]
Oh no! You have lost your favored, adored, revered abode. The convenient natural instinctive dwelling place…palace…cantina...igloo…tent…apartment…ranch…camp ground, whatever place you call home. That, my friend is a very SAD thing!

Monday, February 2, 2009

ART: Authentic Release Technique

We are all Masters of Divine Essence carrying the authentic impetus of art within

Every single human being that has ever existed or ever will exist is first and foremost an artist. Yes, I said Artist. Each person contains within himself/herself a driving impetus which into art: the need to create. We are all Masters of Divine Essence who have simply forgotten our artistic heritage. Because Art is the true impetus of man, no other motivating force can compare in strength or need to be expressed. {Drama and Music fall into this same revered category} Every living breathing mortal is born with natural and convenient innate talent simply ‘lying repressed’ waiting to be excavated and utilized. A basic daily artistic energy runs through each individual that can be used to create whatever one desires. All that is needed is the realization that this fundamental creative energy is actually available. Most people, if you ask them, will say rather convincingly, “Oh, I’m not an artist. I can’t even draw stick men in proportion.” This one statement alone is where the river of genuine truth divides itself from the pool of falsity. Somewhere between the ages of 9-12, the most influential art momentum is formed. {Where were you and what were you doing during this crucial time?}The artistic momentum is a delicately imbued creature who will not respond positively to ridicule {no matter how minute or unintentional}, pressure to compete and compare, or subjection to evaluation. The will to draw or express creatively will subtly withdraw itself if not nurtured authentically. The fact is: in the beginning, the artistic impetus is gentle, demure and docile. It grows stronger with use as anything practiced becomes more refined. But, if this impetus is not nurtured in a compassionate understanding way, it will wane. Notice I did not say, disappear. IT NEVER DISSAPEARS! It waits in silence, unattended, unrecognized and unincorporated IN THE PERSONALITY until by accident or through unexpected inspiration, it surprisingly surfaces. Everyone, at some time in his/her life, experiences unidentified gnawing restless energy. Not recognizing what it is or how to channel its multi-colored vibrations, it is often times sublimated into other directions that do not necessarily satisfy or fulfill the person’s most basic needs or desires. Early embarrassment is usually what occurs to prevent one from trying to follow his/her artistic urge. Remembering the torturous times, in early grammar school when his/her art work was inadvertently displayed or worse {NOT displayed}, the individual erroneously assumes no talent resides within. Not true. Every individual is artistically endowed with enormous talent. It begins with the appreciation, value and supposed ‘worth’ of the line. My line and your line may be completely different in composition and application, but that does not mean the lines are opposed to one another, nor unworthy. I will make a mark and you will make a mark. My mark in no way interferes with your mark nor is it to be compared. As with our voices, they are totally distinct yet we are not in a race or competition for sound. We are still capable and able to communicate the messages necessary for our individual path in our lives. Every stroke of the pen, brush, chisel is divine in nature. We are not governed, established, maintained, or substantiated by anyone on the outside of us. We, as artists must learn to receive ourselves. We are alive to express. It is as simple as that! If we do not allow the natural and convenient artistic urge to surface, we are not fulfilling a very innate drive to be human and divine. ART is nothing but an Authentic Release Technique. By being bold enough to face and release the “locked and hidden away’ artist residing in oneself, a deliberate door of artistic experience is exposed. To expose that which is buried in the treasure vault of your soul releases and connects with all that exists.

Drawing Upon the Well

Drawing Upon the Well

People Don't Change; Seasons Do.

People Don't Change; Seasons Do.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sense of Urgency

{Learning to Love, Accept, and Embrace the Demon of Self-Intoxication}

That which seemingly defeats us also redeems and exalts us. What are you currently listening to? Would it be the voice of reason, recourse, revenge, residue, recompense, or reverberation? Of the many voices of distraction, conflict and contention within, how does one know what to listen to and what to ignore/delete? Where does your attention flow? Do you find yourself mulling over the same old thoughts again and again and again? Whether they be thoughts of (people, places, things) locked away in the past, worry projected in the future, or nit picky concerns in the present, are you proposing a state of inherent disability? If lingered in long enough, this non-productive self-sabotaging mental process will sap your vitality and destroy your over-all well being. A more definitive term for what you are doing to yourself would be: debilitating self-intoxication. This present state of mind is literally undermining all of your activities. It is coloring your communication with others and inhibiting you from being a fun, spontaneous and creative person. {Which, in fact, IS your natural self when allowed to express freely.} You are giving full reign to a pessimistic never-ending inner dialogue that reduces your ability to concentrate, finish tasks, function optimally, remain cheerful, enthusiastic, interested and helpful. Your level of attractiveness is diminished and sexuality takes a back seat. Boring and uninteresting, you are turning into an old fogy way before your time. {Not that there’s anything wrong in growing old; it should be the most celebrated and glorious part of a person’s life!} But, when we don’t feel ‘good’ about the things we do during the day, like finishing tasks, excessive gossiping or procrastinating, we immediately impress upon the mind guilt with the need to defend ourselves. We end up accusing and attacking others before they have a chance to comment on what we perceive as a poor performance or further yet, we misinterpret whatever comment is made. That obsessive mind set projects paranoia, a victim mentality along with the tried and true “feel sorry for me song.” And, tell me, “Who wants to dance to that tune?”

Let’s face it: none of us like to be seen in a ‘bad’ light. And, we will go to great lengths and heights to prevent the embarrassing and humiliating scenario from occurring If, at all possible. The irony of the problem, however, lies not in our so-called ‘poor performance’ but rather in how we THINK we ought to perform based on the self-projected conditions of others. Not only do we believe we SHOULD act a certain way but we have conditioned ourselves into perceiving we ought to FEEL a certain way, as well. Not true. False. Wrong. We have grown so accustomed to acting and reacting based on a pre-supposed idea of what others “will think of me” IF I don’t or do, that our authentic voice has been buried underneath mountains of over-processed emotional rubble. Have we become so self-intoxicated by a deluded, distorted, disgruntled self-image that we are incapable of recognizing, appreciating and applying genuine worthiness? We are far too concerned with what we believe others think or don’t think about us. We are so accustomed to feeding and fueling our inner negative dialogue, we CAN’T really hear what is being said. We jump to conclusions, accuse others of vicious innuendos, while at the same time, walking on egg shells so as not to offend. A DEPRESSIVE NIGHTMARE: we end up living in a self-created delusional hell of our own making, saying one thing doing another.

Shutting down the incessant self-defeating inner negative dialogue is what “Sacred Work” is all about. How does one do that? There exists a ‘still small voice’ that lingers beneath the accusing drone of self-doubt, self-denial and self-loathing. It abides as clear, constant, calm, gentle and serene, never belittling or condemning. But, in our desperate futile attempts to drown the boisterous mocking penetrating shrill of the fear of self punishment, ridicule, disdain, or self-decline brought on by the nefarious imposter’s inner dialogue, we overstate our value, emphasizing the need to acknowledged and appreciated. Little do we realize that by ‘driving the point home’ of how special we believe ourselves to be, we have but fallen into the trap of morbid self-intoxication. Instead of pushing for more recognition, validation, approval, response, attention from the outside, we need to pause and listen quietly (without habitually reacting) to that ‘still small voice’ that arises from the same place, different flavor. You will instinctively recognize its resounding ‘tone of truth’ because of what it will say and how it will say it to you. The guidance will be in complete opposition to what you would normally do or say. It will seem like foolishness, to begin with. That’s part of getting in tune with yourself. It’s impossible to KNOW what’s really taking place on the inside of you, much less in your world, when you are so fixated on the life-absorbing NEED to be viewed as right, intelligent, informed, witty, or observant. You are investing too much energy in trying to please or appease another with residual emotions filtered through a ‘windmill’ of self-repercussions.
Start by weeding out and dismissing so-called important people from your life who wield too much influence or control.

The bottom line is: self-intoxication drains the very life force out of you. Self-intoxication depletes and decapitates leaving you in a state of numbed indifference and intolerance. We must learn to hear the ‘still small voice’ in our GUT! Bypass the turbulent heart and noxious mind, altogether. The ‘still small voice’ in the GUT is pure raw unadulterated divine instinct. It is where sexual passion originates. And, we all KNOW that sexual energy is the highest form of spiritual energy available to mankind, right? Right there deep down in the Solar Plexus where true innocence dwells and where beguilement never even visits. This is the station where “the first shall be last and the last shall be first” roam freely. We must be willing to receive ourselves completely without question and demise of character. We must learn to trust and obey our own inner most instincts when every aspect (including people) in the reasonable world say do otherwise. We must dethrone the demon of self-intoxication by revealing the false mask he wears.
We will meet him head-on and coax him to surrender by acknowledging that we recognize the importance of his traveling incognito in us. And, that we appreciate his disguise in order to propel us past the point of imaginary wrong doings and slighted hurts. {No matter how REAL they appeared to be.} We will declare with full earnest testimony that it is only through PAIN that we grow and evolve. But, that protection is no longer needed IF we don’t have need or desire to impress or be impressed. Without the supposed enemies to instill, argue with and fight against, how could we ever break out of the chains of CHERISHED identity?

We must remember to love ourselves not because we are so special {no real talent involved in that}, but because we have no need to be. We are ORDINARY human beings just like the other 30 billion or so people residing on the planet with us. To reduce divinity to a human form is an omniscient feat; one not to be taken lightly or irreverently. But to exalt ourselves unnecessarily is to mock the sacred in us. To be extraordinarily divine is our god-given birthright—nothing spectacular about that. But, what is absolutely astonishing and miraculously amazing is being fully HUMAN in an ordinary body with all its frailties, imperfections and ‘supposed’ defects that come along in the make-up. We must truly irreversibly love and honor our human weaknesses as they are the source of our unrequited strength and redemption. “In the Rapture of the Lowly Let ME Feel thee,” should forever be our plea. A Sense of Urgency attaches itself to how well we can accept, love and embrace the demon of self-intoxication because it is a well established fact: we can treat others no better than we treat ourselves. We will continue to meet and greet the same demon in others over and over again unless we witness, address and overcome his bewitching ways. To be entertained by him for a season is quite understandable but to be engulfed by his counterproductive foolery for longer periods of time than is required is rather ridiculous when you come to think about it.