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Monday, April 15, 2013

The Soul's Assignment

It’s high time to give yourself permission to thoroughly enjoy your life! No more pretending to be happy and satisfied while silently engaged in and on a volatile emotional roller coaster set on target to explode. The problem results from the fact that you have no idea where or when or on whom that explosion will occur. But mark my words: “The day will arrive.”


Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Most of us would agree that human beings are guided, controlled, dictated and governed by subconscious desires that we are ‘more than likely’ unaware of. These hidden desires motivate, encourage, and support decisions we make that we probably don’t understand or appreciate fully, at the time. And, ‘more than likely’ these same underlying prompters show up in overt emotional responses that surprise us, or at the very least cause us to ponder in ‘silent thoughts of fantasy’ causing us to ask the question: where did those feelings come from. Others may interpret these unexpected sensations as simply: ATTRACTION


Thursday, April 4, 2013

MODE of Cosmic Therapy: It's ALL In You!

In order, for you, to connect with YOUR Intangible Voice of Motivation, which is nothing less than your individual Soul’s Assignment, you must first want to discover a deeper part of you interacting with yourself, your relationships, your work, and your environment. Second, you must need to fulfill an undeniable longing that won’t be quieted any other way and third, you must actively participate in the excavation of the hidden information. No doubt, there is a Distinct Voice that governs and leads you at all times, selecting for you pertinent experiences in life without your conscious knowledge or consent.

This Divine Voice has often been referred to as your conscience, sub-conscience or spirit. One Master of old referred to it as the “HOLY Spirit” who would guide and direct you in all truth. “IT” is abstract in nature, due to the fact of the mysterious nature in which it works. Unbeknown to you, this ‘STILL SMALL VOICE’ operates at all times without error, drawing to you those things, places, people and occurrences that will aid and challenge you in your daily walk.

No rhyme or reason affects the disposition of this never changing Distinct Voice. Without relent, “IT” steadily, unwaveringly, constantly, untiringly and regularly sends you messages through all sorts of viable means. Some people are able to drown out or, at least turn down the innate messages being delivered by turning up the volume of the presumed ‘voice of desire’ in their present lives. These events, along with the people and circumstances that surround them, are necessary for your personal growth and evolvement.

No matter how much you would like to argue in defense of your present situation, you need to at least be open to the idea that everything happens for a Divine Reason of which you are totally unaware. You must come to realize that the Soul’s Voice will not be silenced for that Voice is the singular defining aspect of your life. Although, the ‘still small voice’ is always in operation, filling you with complete blessed assurance that everything is perfectly in order, you are more than likely not able to relate too, much less integrate, the relevance of the cohesive message being offered at the time. This fact is especially noted when the circumstances are either filled with heartbreaking pain or unexpected disappointment. Other debilitating circumstances are those labeled betrayal, abandonment, and infidelity. Many such things happen in the run of a day that you do not readily understand or comprehend. “That’s the nature of the beast,” they say.

But the truth is, things happen for reasons you can’t see, appreciate or possibly understand at the moment they occur. And more often than not, are left wondering “What does/did that mean?” In order to know, you will have to shift gears in your thinking and processing faculty. It’s all a matter of ‘making sense’ out of the non-linear puzzle! Yes, I said non-linear. You will have to suspend the idea that you already know the outcome. “That you can …see where this is going”

There are indisputable ways of tapping into, connecting and ‘making sense’ of those seemingly disjointed and fragmented parts of the personal puzzle that lay before you each hour. What do you have to do? Pay Attention. You must consciously bring awareness to your everyday walk. That’s precisely what Mode of Cosmic Therapy is all about: learning how to remember to be acutely aware of your surroundings. You continue to jump to conclusions and automatically assume that something you may have seen or done a 1000 times before is insignificant. You cannot simply dismiss an event or person as unimportant or irrelevant simply because you have grown accustomed to the face or idea. You cannot continue to whine, moan, bitch and complain because you believe you got the short of the stick and/or how somebody did you so wrong. Boo Hoo. That’s the problem. You have grown too comfortable and complacent. You have become so bored with your life that you’ve begun to invent dramatic scenarios to engage your mind for a while. There is so much more unseen than seen.

This Voice of your incomparable Soul, who continually, without fail, sends to you promptings and inner messages for your contemplation never, sleeps. But, you must be awake enough to see, hear, feel, taste and experience the authenticity of them. These Divine messages are always the “IT” behind the apparent ‘scene in operation’ that is the Real Deal! No one possesses or can decipher these messages for you (including me). That’s your job!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Embrace the Events

Nothing occurs that is not purposeful for the walk conducive to the path of the individual.   When one takes on the assumed false notion that he/she has been singled out to be abused, hurt, abandoned, rejected or despised is, in fact, living with the erroneous reality of being extraordinary, as well.  

The particular journey of one’s individual life is not the enemy who is in need of being conquered, demolished, or fought with but the exact and precise components which are necessary for complete happiness and fulfillment.  

Learning to come to terms and embrace the events, all of them, as and in the manner in which they are presented is the only plausible return on the personal energy invested. There are not separate events which occur:  good or bad.  Eliminate your preferred selection of such times. At the same time, do not bemoan the present circumstances with all sorts of excuses or defense.  Get rid of the idea that you as an individual have neither anything unique nor any rare value to contribute.

Do not grievously declare that when circumstances improve, “I will do such and such.”  Not true.  The circumstances in which you are capable of acting are now.  Be authentic to your own wild, untamed nature by living as closely and innately as is humanly possible and in doing so thereby will you enact true honor and nobility. By living decidedly in tune with your own natural instinct that drives you forward each day will forfeit any need to berate, irritate, or retaliate.  There’s no room for such idiotic idolatries.

The bottom line for humanity remains in the freedom of sharing for no reason without gain or profit. The single thrust for human being’s lives is to be pleasurable, rewarding, meaningful, productive and fulfilling.  Remember these words the next time you are complaining, criticizing, condemning, justifying or excusing/exalting yourself or another trying to convince yourself or another that you know something when, in fact,  you don’t have a clue.  Listen to the inner dialogue occurring the entire time you are speaking aloud.  Don’t say how things ought to be for another or yourself, keep your mouth shut.  While you are continuously telling others that they are not living the right way, or accusing them of having impacted your life in such a negative way to have interfered with your present happiness or level of contentment, you are fueling your own engine of discontent producing more emptiness and futility.

Those who try to intimidate, threaten, or pressure the purpose, strength, solidity, solidarity, integrity and cohesiveness of the family by defying the laws of M.O.D.E. (Masters Of Divine Essence) automatically eliminate themselves.  The rules of M.O.D.E. do not include nor advocate one setting himself/herself as special or privileged in any manner. M.O.D.E is a cosmological hierarchy whose purpose and establishment goes well beyond thy present level of understanding or comprehension. The idea of one believing that he/she is in any way extraordinarily special creates a world of alienation, deprivation, isolation and deep paranoia. No one experiences the depths of loneliness as the one who sets up for himself/herself the lofty domain of importance. 

Stop with your incessant need and desire to blame someone and accept that you are as happy as you will ever be this very moment. Your soul is resplendent with true joy.  Nothing is out of order or needs to be fixed; it never has been nor never will be.  Just face the inevitable fact that everything you are or ever have known or ever will know has not been shortchanged or damaged. It’s all terrific! 

Stop feeding your mind and poisoning your life by repeating how you could, should, would or want to be living if you had not been robbed of it or shown a better way to achieve it. Nobody has hurt you; it’s simply impossible. No one can cheat, destroy, invade, embarrass or denigrate you. Take the layer of defensive pretense down and step up to the plate of your own existence. You have only begun to experience the magnitude of your global existence.  Open your eyes, grab the shovel of your pain mixed with sorrow and start turning over the soil to plant some more seeds of experience.  Dig in with the other worms abide.  “Just squiggle around, have fun while you live it!!!” 
Written by Paula Andrea Pyle (c)2013