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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Don't Let Your Eyes Betray You

In another dimension of the parallel universe, we may be supplied with the perplexing answers we so earnestly seek the instant we need them. Or, we might not stumble when we doubt ourselves or the outcome of our actions when attempting to accomplish various highly sought after goals and aspirations. We certainly would never be in a ‘financial bind’ nor be worried sick over bills, unexpected expenses, or ‘having the money’ should we need it for ourselves or our loved ones in cases of emergency. We would be more actively and intimately involved with the ones we say we love, “MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD”. And, they would reciprocate by tenderly showing these adoring and supporting emotions at THE times when it definitely mattered the most. We would never be frightened, depressed or paranoid regarding our inadequacies and shortcomings. We wouldn’t feel pressured by the need to compete or compare, nor would we entertain thoughts of jealousy or envy of another’s good fortune, looks, bank account, status or intelligence. We absolutely wouldn’t walk around mad with a huge chip on our shoulders ‘mulling’ and ‘fuming’ over and over in minds all the times we feel we’ve been cheated, lied to, betrayed, done wrong or got the short end of the stick. No amount of negativity would be able to enter our minds at any level, especially thoughts of being undervalued and overlooked. We would always be assured that we were appreciated, respected and acknowledged for the unique talents we possess. Self pity would never be able to find a comfortable spot in our lives re-enforcing the incessant qualm: “you aint good enough”, “you’ve never been good enough” and “you won’t ever be good enough.” The notion that only the rich get richer and the poor get poorer would not exist. The idea of how beautiful, strong, intelligent or funny we were would never even enter our self-confident and self-assured minds. And, finally we would be so deliriously happy, spiritually enriched, physically fulfilled, sexually stimulated, mentally contented, financially productive, emotionally elevated, excited to be alive, filled with an abundance of enthusiasm to live each day to the “MAX” doing only those things that we were truly and genuinely passionate about, bombarded with as much beauty, charisma, talent, gifts, intelligence, wit, humor and rewarding potential as we could possibly display be in whatever sensual, artistic and creative pursuits we so desired. Oh YEAH!!! Wouldn’t that be the life?
Well, guess what??? It is life. The one and only life that exists! And, if you are not experiencing this spontaneous passionate interactive rewarding receptively invigorating ‘give and take’ accomplished type of reality, then, even though, you may be breathing in enough air to stay alive, you are technically asleep {DEAD, maybe; even mummified}. You are literally walking around with your eyes open but incapable of seeing what’s actually taking place in the world you’re supposedly living in. You are on automatic pilot! You have become so accustomed to your surroundings and the people who inhabit your personal space that you don’t perceive them or the triumphant parts they play in the ‘story’ of your individual life. {Including, those who seem to hurt you the MOST!} Actually, what you have done, through no fault of your own, of course [you didn’t know any better] is to have created a story that is completely false in every sense of the word and because you continue to feed and fuel it, YOU believe it’s real! You honestly believe that nothing is going to change for you. You walk around in the dumps, complaining endlessly. You criticize every little thing. You’re not the least bit grateful for the small things (insignificant, to you) that are so vitally important in your magical world. MAGICAL? Yes, I did use the word magical. [Life is nothing short of magical.] The insignificant things, I am referring to are wrapped in the disguise of the disgusting, ugly, mean, hurtful, improper, deceiving, lying, disrespectful, and discourteous. Don’t let your eyes betray you. Look a little deeper. What’s really going on in your mirrored world?
You jump to conclusions far too quickly. You assign certain roles of position in either importance/significance or unimportance/insignificance and then base EVERYTHING on a predetermined memory without further exploration or investigation. You allow for no growth or error. In other words, you label EVERYTHING in your universe on various familiar levels of predetermined FIXED meaning. You interpret and analyze and discredit or exalt EVERTHING (on that basis of distorted memory built upon an emotionally biased subjective frame of reference). Because you consciously choose to ‘see the previously recorded picture’ of the person without engaging yourself presently with him/her, you never truly experience the genuine event or human being. What does that invoke? An ongoing sickening saga {soap opera} filled life of restlessness, boredom, dissatisfaction, defensiveness, critical mindset, disinterest, depression, lethargy, coupled with the undeniable unrelenting sense of foreshadowed misery that keeps you in a perpetual state of indifference declaring: “What the hell does it matter anyway?” And “Who cares?” Believe me. It matters. It’s your life we’re talking about! What you need is a new and unadulterated vision. There’s no doubt you’d like to change the way you feel and see things. You just don’t know how to go about it. Right? You want to have a clear vision without EVERYTHING being filtered through your ‘tangled up mind’ view. You realize you feel like a stranger in a strange land,; looking in the mirror asking yourself , “Who are you and how did you get into my life?”
The reason that people and events are like strangers to you is because YOU are a stranger to yourself. Yes. I said YOU are a stranger to yourself. YOU DON’T REALLY KNOW WHAT YOU WANT AND EVEN IF YOU DID, YOU WOULDN’T RECOGNIZE IT BECAUSE YOU AUTOMATTICALLY ASSUME YOU know WHAT SOMETHING IS BEFORE IT HAS AN OPPORTUNITY TO REVEAL ITSELF TO YOU. You decided somewhere along the way that you are aware of your actions, thoughts and words. Which in fact, you are not. Remember? I told you: You are asleep. Is a sleeping person aware of anything? The fact is: you are not paying attention to the still small voice inside you that waits patiently for you to recognize and respond. I’m not talking religion. I’m talking your authentic voice you so cleverly shut down years ago when it interfered with your plans of instant gratification. Your eyes became fixed on the outside. You started to believe what you saw instead of what you knew to be true for you. You have too many voices living inside your head {other people’s opinions} vying for your attention. Your eyes are constantly looking at the apparent situation you are currently engaged in while measuring it for appropriate and worthwhile merit. The problem is: you are measuring with inaccurate measuring devices. Your tools are defunct! You are looking at a camel and calling it a rooster. You don’t know the difference because your sight is too emotionally colored. When you’ve already established unwavering negative or blissful guidelines, it’s hard to see anything but what you choose to. “You’ve already made up your mind: you KNOW what color red is and nobody aint gonna tell you any different.” The problem is: there are countless multifarious shades of red, tints, of red, hues of red ….Guess what? YOU really don’t want to change your mind much less your circumstances. That’s right. You’ve grown so comfortable in your misery and depression that any other possibility of living life scares the hell out of you. So, why are you whining and complaining? It’s automatic, I told. You’re on automatic pilot. “But, Paula Andrea,” you may ask, “IF what you are saying is really true, how do I go about altering my vision, re-creating my surroundings, re-setting my barometer of choice, re-selecting another lens for better focus?” It all begins with a declaration of intent that you acknowledge clearly and purposefully that your confinement is your release. “What??? Are you out of your mind?” I thought you were going to show me the way out. I am. The only way out is in. The only way to see is to shut your eyes and mouth! Put a muzzle on it. The only way to have a potently instructive vision is to experience the opposite as truth. Stop. Observe yourself. See how much of your present life is being lived in a zombie state.
The reason your eyes are clouded over is because you really don’t want to expose yourself to the unlimited possibilities that exist right where your feet are planted. It’s impossible, you say. You tremble at the thought that to take a peak, (an improbable chance) or to believe that another layer of reality does exit for you in the midst of what you perceive as a hopeless domain would be more than you could handle. But, what if the circumstances which “LOOK SO BARREN AND UNPRODUCTIVE” are hiding the genuine keys that can and will fulfill all of your wildest and most exotic/erotic dreams? ‘Not a chance’, you say. That’s only your fear talking again. It’s letting you know, once more, how gravely disappointed in, for and with yourself you will be when it doesn’t happen for you. So, you dare not hope. Instead you continue to walk around half-blind living the life of a disconnected phoney. But, I declare to you with EVERTHING that exists in this dimension of time and space that there is no such thing as HOPE. Hope implies DOUBT. Forget hope. Don’t ask permission; just do it! Wake up!!! There is something else going on, and you should know what that something is. It is going deep inside of you. However, it requires a keen observation of watching yourself as you would study a goldfish in a tank. Not for condemnation but for relaxing surprising information. How? Over and over, repeat where your feet are currently standing and state precisely exactly what it is you are doing. Don’t say yes when you normally would. Say no. Remove the hesitations and pauses in your conversations. Say the one thing you’d never say outloud to the one person you think who would be the most disturbed by your saying it. Laugh for no reason in front of others, then, or watch yourself as you respond to their reactions. Don’t ask who’s on the phone IF it’s not for you. Don’t ask: “How is so and so?” Go find out for yourself or drop the question, altogether. Stop pretending to care about something or someone when you don’t. That’s when GENUNIE caring begins!!! And, finally stop condemning or praising yourself. Move along. You’re only sleepwalking, remember? Observing yourself, your world and the people in it takes an enormous amount of work, commitment and focus but it’s so much fun. One day, you’ll surprise yourself and WAKE UP. Then, what do you do? Ahhh…that’s another juicy topic altogether.

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