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Monday, February 2, 2009

ART: Authentic Release Technique

We are all Masters of Divine Essence carrying the authentic impetus of art within

Every single human being that has ever existed or ever will exist is first and foremost an artist. Yes, I said Artist. Each person contains within himself/herself a driving impetus which into art: the need to create. We are all Masters of Divine Essence who have simply forgotten our artistic heritage. Because Art is the true impetus of man, no other motivating force can compare in strength or need to be expressed. {Drama and Music fall into this same revered category} Every living breathing mortal is born with natural and convenient innate talent simply ‘lying repressed’ waiting to be excavated and utilized. A basic daily artistic energy runs through each individual that can be used to create whatever one desires. All that is needed is the realization that this fundamental creative energy is actually available. Most people, if you ask them, will say rather convincingly, “Oh, I’m not an artist. I can’t even draw stick men in proportion.” This one statement alone is where the river of genuine truth divides itself from the pool of falsity. Somewhere between the ages of 9-12, the most influential art momentum is formed. {Where were you and what were you doing during this crucial time?}The artistic momentum is a delicately imbued creature who will not respond positively to ridicule {no matter how minute or unintentional}, pressure to compete and compare, or subjection to evaluation. The will to draw or express creatively will subtly withdraw itself if not nurtured authentically. The fact is: in the beginning, the artistic impetus is gentle, demure and docile. It grows stronger with use as anything practiced becomes more refined. But, if this impetus is not nurtured in a compassionate understanding way, it will wane. Notice I did not say, disappear. IT NEVER DISSAPEARS! It waits in silence, unattended, unrecognized and unincorporated IN THE PERSONALITY until by accident or through unexpected inspiration, it surprisingly surfaces. Everyone, at some time in his/her life, experiences unidentified gnawing restless energy. Not recognizing what it is or how to channel its multi-colored vibrations, it is often times sublimated into other directions that do not necessarily satisfy or fulfill the person’s most basic needs or desires. Early embarrassment is usually what occurs to prevent one from trying to follow his/her artistic urge. Remembering the torturous times, in early grammar school when his/her art work was inadvertently displayed or worse {NOT displayed}, the individual erroneously assumes no talent resides within. Not true. Every individual is artistically endowed with enormous talent. It begins with the appreciation, value and supposed ‘worth’ of the line. My line and your line may be completely different in composition and application, but that does not mean the lines are opposed to one another, nor unworthy. I will make a mark and you will make a mark. My mark in no way interferes with your mark nor is it to be compared. As with our voices, they are totally distinct yet we are not in a race or competition for sound. We are still capable and able to communicate the messages necessary for our individual path in our lives. Every stroke of the pen, brush, chisel is divine in nature. We are not governed, established, maintained, or substantiated by anyone on the outside of us. We, as artists must learn to receive ourselves. We are alive to express. It is as simple as that! If we do not allow the natural and convenient artistic urge to surface, we are not fulfilling a very innate drive to be human and divine. ART is nothing but an Authentic Release Technique. By being bold enough to face and release the “locked and hidden away’ artist residing in oneself, a deliberate door of artistic experience is exposed. To expose that which is buried in the treasure vault of your soul releases and connects with all that exists.

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